Help Center

Top Questions

How you can open an account?

There are two ways in which you can apply for an account opening:


Is there a limit of amount to receive transfers?

No, we do not have restrictions regarding the amounts you expect to receive.

How you can receive transfers? where is that information?

In order to receive funds, you must submit the following instructions:

What types of accounts we can offer you?

How can you change your personal information (email, phone, address)?

For this, you must formally make the request to the mail or  through our online banking, indicating the reason and current information you want to add.

How you can open a Certificate of Deposit (CD)?

To open a Certificate of Deposit (CD) you must have an account at Areti Bank to later request it. One of our executives of Customer Experience will guide you through the process. You can make this request by

What are the costs of maintaining an account? / Where can I see the fees?

You can find the information at:
Fees, Rates & Charges

How you can make a transfer from Areti Online?

To make transfers from Areti Online, use the following link Areti Online

When can you renew a Certificate of Deposit (CD)?

The Certificate of Deposit will expire automatically on the date indicated on the application. If you wish to renew it, before the expiration date we will be contacting you to verify: whether you wish to renew or cancel the Certificate of Deposit. Once your response is received, we will proceed accordingly.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

You can send us a message and our team will respond to your query as soon as possible.